Initial glue up for the plywood. I call these “sausages”.
All the plywood cut into slices.
Glue for the board. I made this specific board for these types of glue ups so its easy to clamp with the wedges.
Skipped through the squaring up and sanding. I made some simple mitred edges that were slightly thicker than the plywood board so they would stick out a bit higher. I rounded off the inside edge.
I tried my hand at bending some brass bar manually using a wooden block. It’s very far from perfect, but was a good experiment. The block i used for bending was too soft so i wasn’t able to make the bends repeatable.
All pieces ready for glue up!
It was a bit difficult to clamp, but i made it work.
Checking the fit for the handles. Just to simple 4 mm hole and the brass fit perfectly.
Assembled but not yet finished
Quality control.
Board was finished with some Osmo hardwax oil clear satin matte 3032. This finish yellows slightly so i only covered it with 1 coat but that should be sufficient for the use it will get.